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The existence of litigations makes us understand the differences between victory and defeat so that we canĀ“t say that there is no chance but a lack of expertise and diligence. The Involvement from our law office have made and often make the difference. The particularities of each case represent a real challenge for us and help us to discover the limits. For these reasons we can provide you with certitude and this comes from the successful cases.

91.5% Success rate

3600 Files

Case files and media

The case of Reliu Constantin

The case of Reliu Constantin (represented by the lawyer Calinita) – the person who was declared deceased but actually lives.

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The case of Chiticariu Eugen

The case of Chiticariu Eugen (represented by the lawyer Calinita) – a typical case of parental alienation – transformed into criminal cases.

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The case of Com Metal

The case of Com Metal, case (represented by the lawyer Calinita) – subcontractor defraud by the general contractor – non-finite.

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